[impdev] Imprudence 1.2.2 ready for compile (TPV-compliant 1.2 series viewer)

Jacek Antonelli jacek.antonelli at gmail.com
Wed Apr 28 02:19:51 PDT 2010

I've pushed code to my "1.2-maint" branch for a new version, 1.2.2. It
is the same as 1.2.1 but with the object export feature crippled when
connected to Second Life, to make the viewer TPV-compliant.

I'd like to release this today (or as soon as possible, even before
the new 1.3 beta), so that we have a stable base viewer that SL users
can use after April 29 (which is tomorrow!). So, Armin and McCabe,
please try compiling it, and email the list if you have any problems
(there shouldn't be, as it's nearly the same code as 1.2.1). If no one
has problems, go ahead make the installers / packages and upload them
so they will be ready to go.

If you have the available disk space, I recommend setting up a
separate git clone / project directory for the 1.2.2 build, so you can
download the correct libraries and artwork without overwriting the
files in your 1.3 directory. (Also a small reminder to McCabe: be sure
to use the fixed OpenAL that works on both XP and Vista.)

Cheers, and see you at the InWorldz meetup today.

- Jacek

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