[impdev] OTR

David Seikel onefang at gmail.com
Mon Apr 18 07:04:03 PDT 2011

On Tue, 12 Apr 2011 05:58:39 -0700 chris-tuchs at hushmail.com wrote:

> I have added OTR to Imprudence exp.  Tested and seems to work on 
> linux builds, but having issues with the windows builds (another 
> message).  The wiki says "Imprudence Viewer is a SecondLife/OpenSim 
> compatible viewer with a focus on usability, privacy and 
> reputability." so I think the answer is yes, but let me ask 
> formally: is there upstream interest?
> Wanna see the current code?  Look at the libotr branch of onfangs 
> fork of the 1.4 impy.  https://github.com/onefang/meta-
> impy/tree/libotr

A bit of explanation -

http://github.com/onefang/meta-impy is my fork of Imprudence 1.4.  I'm
keeping in sync with upstream.  The purpose of my fork is to provide
the users of the meta 7 grid with a more up to date viewer than the
ancient Emerald fork that is the official viewer now.  My changes in my
fork are concentrating on bringing Impy 1.4 up to par with our old
Emerald fork.  Lots of branding changes, some tweaks to the
limitations, adding OTR, amongst other things.  Basically making it
so that it's roughly the equivalent of the old viewer in terms of the
stuff that is important to our users, and stuff important to the grid

Anything I do that is of general interest I'd be happy to send
upstream.  OTR might be the first of those.  If you are interested.

Chris is working on OTR on my fork coz I requested it.  Chris had been
the original developer that brought OTR to Emerald in the first place.
We had agreed that we would see if the Impy devs would be interested in
it once we had something working.  It's working fine now, but still
needs a bit of tweaking.

Since the libotr branch that Chris has been working on branched of my
existing exp fork at the time, that branch includes the meta-impy work
I had completed at that point.  That's why there are non OTR related
changes in the libotr branch.  We intend to clean up a patchset, make
sure it works fine on pristine Impy 1.4, then present the Impy devs
with it if you want it.  After we got it polished, which should be soon.

Chris' problems with producing a Windows version are more to do with
the fact that Chris has not done that before.  The meta 7 developer
that usually makes Windows packages is busy with some other project
right now.  We need a Windows package to release as a test for our
users to play with and comment on.  Way more of them than linux users,
though some of our linux users switched to meta-impy on the last test

http://bugs.meta7.com/view.php?id=397 is the meta issue tracking the
proposed changes we are making to meta-impy.

A big old stinking pile of genius that no one wants
coz there are too many silver coated monkeys in the world.
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