[impdev] Impy exp 1 released.

David Seikel onefang at gmail.com
Sat May 25 12:26:39 PDT 2013

I've released Impy exp 1, tagged it as v1.4.0.3-exp1 in git, plus
uploaded the source, Windows, and Linux archives to Google Code.  Still
need a Mac build, and I still need access to the blog to make
announcements.  So could someone turn this following text into a blog
announcement please?  It will need to be updated once the Mac build is


Imprudence experimental release exp 1.


Imprudence experimental 1 is released.

Release highlights:

More build clean ups.

Made the Windows installer and build system more like other OSes.

Added Windows nmake builds using Cygwin.  Windows building is now fully
scriptable like Linux builds.  With some help from Robin Cornelius.

Added compatibility with V3 autobuild libraries.

Updated boost on Linux to 1.52.

Fixed a startup crash on recent Linux machines, thanks to Johnnie

Fixed a crash when creating a new Inventory folder, particularly when
creating outfits, thanks to Kentron Katana.

Fixed shadow Frustra missing from Advanced Menu > Rendering > Info

Fixed Inventory "Cut" and "Paste" deletes inventory item instead of
moving it.

Fixed registering secondlife:// handler with KDE, thanks to Thickbrick

Various fixes to the edit tools radio button group, thanks to the
Imprudence team.

Added 'Show hidden selection' and similar things to the advanced build

Added new communication channel urls to the viewer's Help menu.

Updated the basic graphics detail sliders.  Graphics cards have moved
on in recent years, now we can bump the detail up more.

Removed hotkeys for obscure debugging stuff.

Updated credits.

Updated the release notes for 1.4.0 beta 1 and 2.

You can download binaries and source code from -

Linux 32 bit

Linux 64 bit

Mac OS X Intel  Coming soon.

Windows 32 bit

Source tarball

Source repository (this release tagged as v1.4.0.3-exp1)

A big old stinking pile of genius that no one wants
coz there are too many silver coated monkeys in the world.
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