[impdev] All Hands Meeting Results

ZATZAi zatzai at zatzai.com
Mon Jan 30 19:38:01 PST 2012

This last weekend we had our all hands meeting where we discussed the 
fate and direction of the project going forward. I'm pleased to say that 
the meeting was well attended not only by team members but the public as 
well. A few of us even met for the first time as not everyone is able to 
make the regular meeting due to scheduling conflicts. You'll find a full 
transcript of the meeting on our wiki but I've included a summary of 
what was decided for convenience.

We're going to continue to develop Third Party viewers with a focus on 
cross supporting Second Life and OpenSim/Aurora. However we're going to 
focus on Kokua in the future, the ultimate fate of Imprudence is still 
undecided though as we may push for a final 1.4 release but nothing that 
takes up too much of our time. Kokua will use Second Life v3.2 as a 
base, we feel the LL code for v3.2 has matured greatly beyond v2 and v3 
and we'll of course make our own modifications to it to make it more 
"purple" in flavor. It is also our intent to finalize the name change 
from Imprudence to Kokua, Imprudence and Kokua are separate viewers and 
the project has historically been called the Imprudence project. The 
intent was to switch from Imprudence to Kokua as the next generation 
client was released but it has been dragged out for quite a while now 
and caused confusion, so we're going to finish the change over to Kokua.

It's also our intent to give a fresh face to our web presence, to update 
the look and feel of the blog and forum, and possibly eliminate some 
section like the rarely used Q&A sub-site. Our hope is that this will 
make it easier for users to navigate our online infrastructure and find 
the information or support they need. This may include the addition of a 
few simple tutorials about how to use the client and how to connect to 
grids besides Second Life proper.

Windows 32bit, Linux 32bit and Linux 64bit will be the three platforms 
we focus on primarily. We'll make an effort to get out a Windows 64bit 
and Mac client down the line, but right now we need to focus on getting 
things rolling and these best fit our users demographics. We're 
supporting two flavors of Linux because our devs use both Linux 32bit 
and Linux 64bit, plus it's a big PITA to compile the client for Linux 
64bit so we'll continue to make a Linux 64bit client available. 
Regarding Windows, at first we'll only provide a 32bit client (With SSE 
optimizations) as we have been doing already, the necessity of a 32bit 
client on Windows is questionable as the client can't quite make use of 
all that ram (Yet, but that can change), plus Windows 64bit OSes can 
easily run 32bit programs. Still we would like to release a Windows 
64bit version at some point to try to see if it makes a difference. 
Unfortunately we still don't have a Mac developer and thus can not 
support the platform, we'd like this to change but it is the state of 
things for now.

There are other matters besides these that were discussed at the 
meeting, I encourage you to read the meeting transcript on the wiki if 
your curious.


-Matthew Nitti | ZATZAi

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