[impdev] All Hands Meeting Results

David Seikel onefang at gmail.com
Mon Jan 30 19:54:28 PST 2012

On Mon, 30 Jan 2012 19:38:01 -0800 ZATZAi <zatzai at zatzai.com> wrote:

> the ultimate fate of Imprudence is still undecided though as we may
> push for a final 1.4 release but nothing that takes up too much of
> our time.

I think that's where I come in.  You said at the meeting we would
discus that after, but I had to leave early, so suggested we discuss
that on this list.  I'll go catch up on what happened after I left
first though.

Quick summary - it's my intention to help put out the final Imprudence
1.4 release, followed by a 1.4 release of my meta-impy fork, then start
working on meta-impy 1.5.  I'll also help put OTR and support for the
new Lightshare reset packet into Kokua.  For meta-impy 1.5 I intend to
support all that new stuff people keep saying you can't put into a V1
viewer.  I like a good "you can't do that" challenge, even better is
"it's impossible".  B-)

> We're supporting two flavors of Linux because our devs use both Linux
> 32bit and Linux 64bit, plus it's a big PITA to compile the client for
> Linux 64bit so we'll continue to make a Linux 64bit client available.

Not sure which one you thought was a PITA, but at least for Imprudence
it's very easy to compile either 32 bit or 64 bit on Linux using my
scripts.  Dunno about Kokua, as I've never tried it, but my scripts
have pretty much worked on most viewers I've tried.

I even have a script that will install all 32 bit compile time
dependencies on a fresh Ubuntu 10.04 install.  A similar script for
64bit would not be much different.

A big old stinking pile of genius that no one wants
coz there are too many silver coated monkeys in the world.
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